Fire Grid update
And below is kind of how i usually work, i usually have another window of the same image so i dont' have to keep zooming in and out.
From Blogger Pictures |
Okay so i decided to leave the character design as is for now and move on with other designs that need to be attended. Since i'm the only one workin on this i need to be all over the place. Which is nice cause i'm all A.D.D. anyway lol Like right now i have like 6 browsers in front of my face with different blogs and sites lol That makes me comfortable in someway lol
The comics are moving along quite nicely, so nice in fact that i have decided to pick up Charlie again and try to finish off the pages. With everything thats going on, its actually making me feel good about my drawings again lol. My surprise to everyone is the story of everything we will be putting out. I sure hope people will enjoy it. So much to do in every week, working hard to put all this stuff out to you guys as soon as possible. Thank you by the way for reading this blog if you are, because i'm never really sure who reads this ^^ but thank you, who ever you are. Peace and Love everyone!