New day!
DYVnation has taken over Madd's blog!!
The transitions and Madd's Talk all after the break. Go ahead click it!
So this site will look kinda crummy for a couple of weeks because of my piles and piles of work. I have to take some time away from web work and drawing to finish a game. I have got some super small funding to help me make one game and so i have to use my time carefully. Since this blog is gonna change slightly to become more and more about DYVnation, means there will be alot of promotions and more content of artwork and even videos and games. However, i will not stop being open about myself and my work, i know that might make my studio seem vulnerable or even un-professional. But one thing about myself is how transparent everything i do. I like being honest and i would like to think that we are all going through the same aspirations and struggles, and if that motivates others then i will continue.
One of my most favorite thing to do is to motivate people by talking to them about their incredible ability. Most people get lost in the world we walk around in, and how negative people can be. Some times people surprise me when they say I helped them in some way because i conversed with them, because I always think that people say these things to each other. Don't they? I mean why be critical or even cynical about people's work when what you'r really suppose to do is show them what they can really do. My rule is if you don't believe in them, then don't bother helping because you wouldn't be helping other wise.
The Cover i just finished is a Variant Cover for Armored Starr. I've had the sketch since December and yesterday i realized that thing should be finished once and for all. Since i had to do a ton of other pages from other projects i think almost 20 pages this week before monday @_@. It's not like i'm starting from scratch because all the pages have stuff in them already i just have to finish them all off. And the prepping for Gero is Under way!! I am very excited about this project because of the amount of fun we had making all the images. But the release is just the beggining because we are also putting out a comic, a 10 canvas series, 4 3' tall art pieces, just a whole bunch of whoopass!!. Oh and by we i mean Mariel Barbin, Roman Patawaran, and Rodolfo Alejandro. These guys are my next generation team lol.
I hope you guys stick around and check out all the ridiculous amount of work we are about to put up. PEACE AND LUUUUUUUVV!!